3290 FUT


✓ 33 years old, NW IIIA, losing his hair since 4 years, with a hair loss history in his family (grandfathers).
✓ Take Finasteride 1mg and Minoxidil 5% since 3 months before the procedure.
✓ Medium caliber hair.
✓ Normal follicular units.
✓ High % of hair in telogen phase.


This 33-year-old patient wanted to restore his receding hairline and frontal area.

He is a very good candidate for a hair transplant procedure: his hair is curly and his donor area is excellent. Moreover, he started taking Finasteride and Minoxidil since 3 months before the surgery. 

We agreed upon performing an FUT procedure and the patient accepted to shave the whole recipient area, which allowed for a perfect work.

The regrowth has been quite fast, since at the 4th post-op month mark the change in his look was already apparent. Subsequently, the pictures taken 1 and 2 years post-op show very natural and dense final results.


✓ 3290 grafts 

✓ Technique : FUT 

✓ Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 772 Single FUT grafts
☞ 1635 Double FUT grafts
☞ 764 Triple FUT grafts
☞ 119 Quadruple FUT grafts

✓ Total number of Hair: 6810
✓ Average Hair/Graft: 2.06

Dr. Jean Devroye