Hair transplant: how important is the density of the donor area?

Does the donor area influence significantly the quality and the success of a hair transplant?

It is very important to measure the density of the donor area before considering a hair transplant. In the donor area, hair is divided into small groups of 1 to 3, or 4 hairs, and sometimes even more. The number of follicles (the groups) per cm² also varies from individual to individual. We know that the impression of density of the final result is influenced by the average number of grafts transplanted. When the donor area turns out to be too poor, it is recommended not to proceed to the hair transplant so that the scar is not visible and so that you are not disappointed by the final result.

For more details and more information, please read our page dedicated to the hair transplant practice.

Hair transplant: should we focus on the density obtained or the surface covered?